Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Election

The 2008 election has repercussions all over the globe. The victory for Obama was for the most part an elated celebration for several of the world’s countries. One of the reasons that other countries are affected by the election so much is because of the way the US has currently been conducting foreign affairs, such as the migration issue and the war in Iraq. Obama’s plan to remove troops from Iraq was greatly appreciated, and he also plans to improve the system of migration to increase the amount of legal immigrants. On the day of the election all of the businesses in Kenya were closed for a celebration for Obama. They hope in the future to increase positive relations with the United States. This may not be on the top of the agenda, but I believe that Obama will increase positive relations with all foreign countries. I respect his choice to sit down with foreign countries to talk, and I think we need more of that type of thinking in our government.
Along with the youth vote, technology plaid a huge role in this election. Technology is the main source of information for both of the candidates and depending on what source you choose to look at, you could get varying viewpoints and bias. Candidates created their own websites which were key to promoting their views in a positive light. Obama’s website even had a tax calculator that would calculate how much money you would save under his plan by simply entering a little bit of financial information. These internet sites tend to add to the global awareness as well. Nearly everyone has access to the internet, and this puts the power right in the hands of the people.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Nader page had a few updates on individual issues, but I decided to focus on the most recent. The person who posted lasted focused on the candidates and their current views/goals for what they plan to do in office. It was mostly criticism but I most of their points were logical. I did disagree with how they perceived Barack’s energy plan however and I provided a few videos/links on his energy plan.
The following movie clip is an interview with Barack and how he plans to use new forms of energy. Everyone seems concerned that he is willing to spend so much money on energy, but if you actually listen to his ideas they are long term and well thought out. He has a ten year spending program in which he will invest in the reusable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydro. Obviously whichever evolves to be the most affordable and effective will continue to grow cutting down on the necessity for drilling for oil.


The following is a link to Baracks official website. It has information on all of his stances, including energy.

This political cartoon is showing the candidates differing views for energy and fuel. You can see that the public doesn’t agree with most the proposed form of energy but I believe that Obama has a good fuel/energy plan. Also offshore drilling is still relying too much on a system that destroys our environment and will eventually be very expensive.

Finally, you should look at the Nader blog for general ideas and views of other people, but you need to do a little of your own research because the posts can be extremely biased and focused around oppinions.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Nader Blog

1. Provide a brief description of the blog and a text hyperlink to the blog.

The Nader Page is a compilation of a lot of current issues, and the economy is a major them that runs throughout. Each blog is titled and linked to the full version so you can read a quick intro to see if you’re interested.

2. How does this "professional" blog differ from blogs you have taken a look at up to this point?

This professional blog is similar to a casual blog but it has some differences. First of all the topics in this blog are all current events/political issues and everyone stays on topic, unlike a casual blog where people will put up random information just to be read or funny. Also the majority of the blogs don’t allow comments, which I thought was interesting, but I also thought that would cut down on short random blogs, such as, “yea I agree” or just making a quick reply, instead everyone makes their own blog which usually requires more time and substance.

3. Take a specific issue presented in the blog, describe how that issue is presented, and provide your own response.

An issue was presented about the current economy and the governments plan to put 7 billion dollars back into the system. The blog stated that it was a bad idea to rush into and it and just give the money to banks who aren’t managing their money well to begin with. They also state that the Wall Street “gamblers” should not be provided with “golden parachutes. I agree that even though this matter is urgent that we can’t just rush that much money into the system. I feel that we should slowly inject it, and maybe even test out each method of injection to see which one is the best.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I found a blog on programming, with the majority in c++. It is hard to find a particular topic or navigate through the blog but you can find some interesting code chunks that could be useful. Its definitely worth checking out, heres the site:

POKER blog

Hey I found a laid back poker blog, where you can post up your favorite poker stories, or even ask a question out to the other players in the world:

Its also organized in a way, in which you can navigate to the topic of choice. You do this buy looking on the left hand side of the site and just click on a topic

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dumbest Generation NOT!

Recently author Mark Bauerlein has labeled our generation as the “dumbest.” He gives a few examples of he perceives to be poor qualities of our generation, but few of which actually support the claim of our generation being the dumbest.
He claims that we do not want to read, and that our perspective is limited to our immediate surroundings and “happenings” of the time, such as Facebook . To me this simply illustrates Bauerleins fear of change and lack of knowledge about the internet. It may be true that our generation does not prefer to read books, but that is simply because the internet provides a more abundant source of information than any library in the world. His mention of Facebook obviously ignores the fact that it creates charities for problems around the world. Millions of people can contribute to saving Dafur with a few clicks of the mouse, once they’ve seen it on facebook.
One of Bauerleins points is that it is difficult for our generation to spell without spell check. I’m not going to argue that, but I will however, say that it has nothing to do with stupidity. I find using our resources the least bit dumb, and I would even go as far as to say those who do not take advantage of their resources could be considers the dumb ones.
The rest of Bauerleins arguments follow the same pattern of twisting somewhat true facts about our generation to be perceived as stupidity. On that note it is impossible to truly measure someone’s intelligence, let alone a whole generation. Furthermore, I believe this is not the dumbest generation, and we will continue to invent new ideas and grow as a technologically advanced society.