Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dumbest Generation NOT!

Recently author Mark Bauerlein has labeled our generation as the “dumbest.” He gives a few examples of he perceives to be poor qualities of our generation, but few of which actually support the claim of our generation being the dumbest.
He claims that we do not want to read, and that our perspective is limited to our immediate surroundings and “happenings” of the time, such as Facebook . To me this simply illustrates Bauerleins fear of change and lack of knowledge about the internet. It may be true that our generation does not prefer to read books, but that is simply because the internet provides a more abundant source of information than any library in the world. His mention of Facebook obviously ignores the fact that it creates charities for problems around the world. Millions of people can contribute to saving Dafur with a few clicks of the mouse, once they’ve seen it on facebook.
One of Bauerleins points is that it is difficult for our generation to spell without spell check. I’m not going to argue that, but I will however, say that it has nothing to do with stupidity. I find using our resources the least bit dumb, and I would even go as far as to say those who do not take advantage of their resources could be considers the dumb ones.
The rest of Bauerleins arguments follow the same pattern of twisting somewhat true facts about our generation to be perceived as stupidity. On that note it is impossible to truly measure someone’s intelligence, let alone a whole generation. Furthermore, I believe this is not the dumbest generation, and we will continue to invent new ideas and grow as a technologically advanced society.

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